Game Goal:
Players whisper a parsha phrase into each other's ears and the last person in the chain needs to try and decipher the message.
Game Preparations:
Print and cut out the Parsha Phrase Cards.
Place the cards on the table face down.
To Play:
Choose the first player. The first player picks up a phrase card and whispers it into the person on his/her left. The player on the left then repeats what he/she heard to the person on his/her left. Continuing around the circle, each person will whisper the phrase to the next. The last person needs to call out the phrase. Was the phrase decipherable?
Now choose another person to initiate the next phrase. Continue until all of the phrases are used, and have fun along the way!
*Bonus Play:
The player that ends the cycle and blurts out the phrase, should stop and think of a lesson that we can learn from that part of the parsha.