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Har Sinai Cupcakes-Parshas Yisro

Gather the family around for a fun Parshah food craft and dessert! Your kids are going to love creating these super easy and fun Har Sinai cupcakes!

In this week’s Parsha Moshe’s father-in-law, Yisro, hears about the great miracles Hashem performed for the Jewish People in the desert. He then travels from Midyan with Tziporah, Moshe’s wife and their two sons to join the Jewish people as they continue their travels. The Jewish Nation camp across Mount Sinai where they are told that Hashem has chosen them to be His Holy nation. On the sixth day of Sivan, the entire Jewish nation assembles around Har Sinai and Hashem descends on the mountain and proclaims the Aseres Hadibros, the Ten Commandments. The Children of Israel now become the Jewish Nation!

Let’s jump right in and re-create this eventful scene as an edible for your shabbat table!

What you need:

  • Chocolate cupcakes (use any favorite chocolate cake recipe, or use a chocolate cake mix)

  • Vanilla frosting (home-made or store-bought)

  • Green food coloring

  • Flower sprinkles

  • Mini chocolate wafers


  1. Bake the chocolate cupcakes according to the recipe. Set the cupcakes aside to cool completely.

  2. Pour some vanilla frosting into a small bowl and add a few drops of green food coloring.

  3. Using the back of a spoon, or a knife, spread the green frosting onto the cooled cupcakes.

4. Take two wafers for each cupcake and place the two wafers in the center of the cupcakes to resemble the Luchos (Tablets).

5. Gently sprinkle the flower sprinkles over the green icing, around the Luchos.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 for all of the remaining cupcakes.

And there you have it! As simple as 1-2-3! Enjoy creating and serving these delicious cupcakes this Shabbos as a reminder that Hashem chose us to receive the most precious gift, the Torah, and pass it down from generation to generation!

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